This will restore active directory, file replication service ( including sysvol ) and certificate services ( if installed ) 这样可以还原activedirectory、文件复制服务(包括sysvol)和证书服务(如果安装)。
Microsoft has released a patch that fixes the following problem; with microsoft file replication service enabled on distributed file system root alternates, each 该更新程序解决了windows2000中的“在分布文件系统根目录交替中,文件复制服务创建多余目录”问题。
Microsoft has released a patch that fixes the following problem; with microsoft file replication service enabled on distributed file system root alternates, each time a dfs link is added morphed directories are created microsoft公布了一份修补档案以修正下列问题:在已启用microsoft档案复写服务frs的分散式档案系统dfs上,在其根目录替代路径中加上dfs连结时,目录结构会变形。